Downpipe Material Options

There are several material options available for downpipes, each with their own unique features and benefits. The most common materials used for downpipes are PVC, steel, copper, and aluminum.

  • PVC downpipes are lightweight, affordable, and easy to install. They are also resistant to corrosion and can withstand harsh weather conditions. PVC downpipes come in a variety of colors, making them an attractive option for many homeowners.

  • Steel downpipes are a popular choice for commercial buildings and larger residential properties. They are durable, strong, and can withstand heavy rainfall and strong winds. Steel downpipes can be painted or coated to match the color of your building.

  • Copper downpipes are a premium option that provides a timeless, classic look. They are extremely durable, resistant to corrosion, and can last for decades. Copper downpipes can also add value to your property.

  • Aluminum downpipes are a lightweight and cost-effective option that is resistant to rust and corrosion. They are easy to install and maintain and are available in a range of colors and styles.

Peak Manufacturing stock a wide array of downpipe options available in several styles and colours, sure to fit your specific need. Our downpipes are available in a wide range of lengths and diameters.

Please click on the brand below to see more specific information and specifications.

To find out more about our downpipe options, and to get pricing, please call our team on 02 9633 7121.

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Benefits of Downpipes

Water Damage Prevention

Downpipes play a crucial role in preventing water damage to your building's foundation by directing rainwater away from your roof and into the drainage system. This helps to protect your building from potential water damage caused by standing water, moisture buildup, and leaks.

Soil Erosion and Waterlog Prevention

Downpipes can help to prevent soil erosion and waterlogging around your building, which can cause damage to your landscaping and create safety hazards.

Water Conservation

Downpipes can help to conserve water by directing rainwater to storage tanks or other collection systems, where it can be used for irrigation or other purposes. This is especially important in areas that experience water shortages or where water is expensive.

Enhance Building Appearance

Another benefit of downpipes is that they can enhance the overall appearance of your building. With a range of materials, colors, and styles available, you can choose downpipes that complement the architectural style of your building and add to its aesthetic appeal.

What size downpipe do I need?

Choosing the right size downpipe for your building is crucial to ensure effective and efficient water drainage. The size of the downpipe required will depend on various factors, such as the size and slope of the roof, the average rainfall in your area, and the chosen style of guttering.

As a general rule, larger downpipes are more effective at handling heavy rainfall and preventing water damage to your building's foundation. Smaller downpipes, on the other hand, may be more appropriate for smaller buildings or areas with lower rainfall.

Choosing the correct size downpipe is not only important for preventing water damage but also for ensuring compliance with local building codes and regulations. Need help figuring out what size downpipe you need? Give our team a call and we'll provide expert guidance.